Baikal Herbs - Moscow
+ 7 (915)103-40-39 (Whatsap, Telegram, eng)
Kakaotalk ID: Chagatrade (eng,rus)
This blend of two types of natural extracts could help you protect yourself from any type of virus or flu. Rosehip extract contains 14% pure and natural vitamin C! Combined with pure freeze-dried Chaga extract, it makes the drink even more beneficial for your immune system.
Ingredients (%):
- Freeze-dried Chaga Mushroom Extract, 90%;
- Freeze-dried Rose Hip Extract - 10%;
Directions: Dissolve one teaspoon of dry powder in 200 ml of warm or hot water. Drink 2 times a day before or during meals.
Shelf life: 2 years
Storage Conditions: Store in a dry cool place. Can be stored in refrigerator but not required.