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Schisandra berry extract.
Strong tonic and adaptogen.
VendorBaikal Herbs Ltd
1 600 руб.


Schisandra chinensis Baill. (Schisandraceae/Magnoliaceae) is a famous medicinal plant native to East Asia. It grows wild mainly in the most Eastern parts of Russia, Siberia, the Kuril Islands, southern Sachalin and also north-eastern China, Korea and Japan. The idenbiologically active compounds are the lignans with an uncommon structure derived from dibenzo cyclooctadiene. The lignans prevent liver injuries stimulate liver regeneration and also inhibit hepatocarcinogenesis and lipid peroxidation. Moreover, several reports indicate that the lignans have effects on human intellectual activity and physical performance.

schisandra-extractSchisandra seed extract is unique natural composition with strong tonic and adaptogenic properties. Effectiveness of schisandra seed extract was proven by Russian high rated athletes - hockey players of CSKA (the famous Russian Army sport club) and swimmers. It was also successfully tested in extremely hard Arctic conditions. High activity of Schisandra seed extract was confirmed by researchers of Medical Institute in Rostov.
Moreover, it doesn't need a scientist to prove the immediate effect of schisandra extract on a human mood if you try to take just one teaspoon of the powder,mix it with water and drink. Your mood will improve within 5-10 minutes! A state of good spirits, well-being and desire to act would settle upon you and would drive you to accomplish whatever goals: physical or mental. And this has nothing to do with the effects that drugs produce. Schisandra produces not only psycological effect but it makes your body really stronger, your muscles really will become more powerful, your stamina and endurance would enhance considerably. Official conclusion of All-Russian Physical culture and Sport Research Institute confirms high effectiveness of Schisandra seed extract for improving athlet's performance.

Health supportive properties

Primary activity of schisandra seed extract is associated with schisandrins, which is responsible for stimulating and health-improving effect of this product.

Besides strongly expressed tonic and adaptogenic properties schisandra berry extract stimulates neural dynamics, improves reaction and perception, possesses anti-infammatory properties, normalizes digestion. Some data indicates also anti-tumour activity of schisandra seed extract. Schisandra berry extract produced by Baikal Herbs Ltd contains 1.8% of Schizandrin. 

Schisandra seed extract can be used for the following purposes:

  • to improve physical and mental working capacity and endurance
  • to cope with exposure to dangerous environment (extremely low/high temperature, hypoxia, radiation hazard etc.)
  • to take off fatigue
  • to improve perception
  • for prophylaxis of sexual disfunctions
  • for prophylaxis of hypotonia
  • for faster recovery after illness
  • to aquire a good mood and positive way of thinking during depressions (very effective)

It is not advisable to use adaptogenic products before bedtime (unless keeping awake is necessary) due to possibility of sleeping disturbance. Adaptogenic products are not recommended if you have a fever, acute period of infectious and somatic diseases, stress and acute form of hypertonia!


Balance bodily functions: Schisandra, touted as a member of the adaptogen family comprised of compounds thought to balance bodily functions, contains many chemicals that could support some of the claims made for its potentially beneficial effects. Lignans are a main constituent of schisandra; these compounds which are a concentrated component of the seeds of the schisandra berry may stimulate the immune system, protect the liver, increase the body's ability to cope with stress, and may cause a mild sedative effect.

Increasing cellular efficiency in processing wastes,delivering more oxygen:
The more prominent lignans found in schisandra are schizandrin, wuweizisu C, and gomisin A. Schisandra extract also contains essential oils and acids, as well as vitamins and minerals which together could promote the claimed effects by increasing cellular efficiency in processing wastes, delivering more oxygen, and creating and using energy

General Tonic: Schisandra is a major tonic herb and acts throughout the body, strengthening and toning many different organs.

Schsandra as Sexual stimulant: Probably best known as a sexual tonic for both men and women, schisandra reputedly increases the secretion of sexual fluids and, in men, it also improves sexual stamina.

Schisandra as Liver treatment herb: Schisandra has proven benefits for the liver, and is used in the treatment of hepatitis and poor liver function.

Schisandra as Sedative: Although a stimulant, schisandra is used in Chinese medicine to "quiet the spirit and calm the heart." It is given for insomnia and dream disturbed sleep, and is a fine example of how adaptogenic herbs often work in apparently contradictory ways to restore normal body function.

Schisandra as Mental & emotional remedy: In China, schisandra berries have traditionally been prescribed to treat mental illnesses such as neuroses. They are also given to improve concentration and coordination, and are a traditional remedy for forgetfulness and irritability. Schisandra's effectiveness for treating these problems has now been borne out by research.

Schisandra as Respiratory infections: Schisandra is used in the treatment of respiratory infections such as chronic coughs, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Schisandra as Balancing fluid levels: Schisandra is used to tone up and strengthen kidney function and to help the body to balance levels of fluid, making it helpful for treating night sweats, thirst, and urinary frequency.

Schisandra as Skin rashes: Recently, Chinese herbalists have started to use schisandra to treat urticaria (hives) and other skin problems, including eczema. It is usually given for these conditions in the form of a medicinal wine.

Additional uses of Schisandra: Schisandra is used for a wide variety of other physical disorders, including diarrhea and dysentery, as well as to help improve failing sight and hearing.

Protecting the liver: Research into schisandra has focused largely on the lignans, which have a pronounced anti- hepatotoxic (liver-protective) action. Up to 30 different lignans have been identified in schisandra, which all contribute to this effect. Research from 1972 onward has reported the beneficial action of schisandra on the liver, and one clinical trial indicated a 76% success rate in treating patients with hepatitis, with no side effects being noted.

Nervous system: Schisandra is known to stimulate the nervous system, increasing the speed of reflex nervous responses and improving mental clarity. The berries are thought to be potentially useful in the treatment of depression, and are known to help improve irritability and forgetfulness.

Uterus: Schisandra stimulates the uterus, strengthening rhythmic contractions.

Adaptogenic herb: Research has shown that in common with ginseng, schisandra has adaptogenic properties, helping the body to adapt to stress.

General Tonic: Schisandra is a major tonic herb and acts throughout the body, strengthening and toning many different organs.

Sexual stimulant: Probably best known as a sexual tonic for both men and women, schisandra reputedly increases the secretion of sexual fluids and, in men, it also improves sexual stamina.

Liver treatment herb: Schisandra has proven benefits for the liver, and is used in the treatment of hepatitis and poor liver function.

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